5 Essential Interview Questions Every Hiring Manager Should Ask


The interview process is a crucial step in finding the right candidate who will not only perform well in the role but also fit within your company’s culture. While it might seem simple to ask a few standard interview questions and gauge a candidate’s responses, the reality is far more nuanced. Crafting a thoughtful interview strategy with the right questions is critical to identifying top talent.

In this post, we’ll cover five essential interview questions that every hiring manager should ask to uncover deeper insights into a candidate’s capabilities, mindset, and fit for your organization.


The 5 Essential Interview Questions

1. Can You Tell Me About a Time You Faced a Significant Challenge in Your Previous Role? How Did You Overcome It?

This interview question helps you evaluate the candidate’s problem-solving abilities, resilience, and approach to challenges. Hiring managers should focus on how the candidate navigated the challenge rather than the result alone. The way a candidate responds to obstacles gives valuable insight into their critical thinking, initiative, and whether they take ownership of problems.

Why It’s Essential:

  • Problem-solving is a key skill in almost every role. The ability to think critically, adapt, and overcome roadblocks can distinguish a high-performing candidate from a mediocre one.
  • It reveals a candidate’s working style, resourcefulness, and how they handle pressure, all critical attributes in fast-paced or dynamic environments.

💡 Follow-up Tip: Ask how they would approach a similar challenge in the future, as this encourages them to think reflectively and shows growth potential.


2. What Are You Most Proud of in Your Professional Career So Far?

This interview question allows candidates to highlight their accomplishments while also giving insight into what motivates them and their understanding of success. By allowing them to choose the accomplishment they’re most proud of, you learn what they value in their work.

Why It’s Essential:

  • It showcases a candidate’s achievements and gives a glimpse into their drive and work ethic.
  • It helps you assess whether their values align with the goals of the company or the role.
  • Pride in one’s work often correlates with dedication and enthusiasm, qualities you want in any new hire.

💡 Follow-up Tip: Dig deeper by asking how that accomplishment came to fruition, what challenges they encountered, and who else was involved. This helps assess their teamwork and leadership qualities.


3. Please share one example of critical feedback you received in your past role and how you handled it.

Being receptive to feedback is essential in any workplace. A strong candidate should be able to take constructive criticism, learn from it, and improve their performance over time. This question helps assess emotional intelligence, adaptability, and how the candidate integrates feedback into their work.

Why It’s Essential:

  • It shows whether the candidate is coachable and willing to learn.
  • Candidates who value feedback are typically more adaptable and open to continuous improvement, which is crucial in rapidly evolving industries.
  • It demonstrates self-awareness, humility, and a growth mindset.

💡 Follow-up Tip: To get more detailed insights, ask about a specific situation where the feedback led to positive changes in their work or behavior.


4. How Do You Prioritize Competing Tasks and Deadlines? Can You Walk Me Through Your Process?

Time management and the ability to prioritize tasks are crucial skills, especially for roles where multitasking is necessary. This interview question helps you understand how a candidate manages their workload, stays organized, and handles high-pressure situations.

Why It’s Essential:

  • It reveals their organizational skills and how they handle competing priorities, which is particularly important in roles that require balancing multiple tasks.
  • It can help you assess how the candidate manages time and resources, which are key to efficiency and productivity in any position.
  • You’ll get a sense of whether their work style aligns with your company’s expectations, particularly in fast-paced or high-pressure environments.

💡 Follow-up Tip: You could ask them to describe a situation where they had multiple competing deadlines and how they ensured each task was completed on time. This will show you their practical approach to time management.


5. Why Do You Want to Work Here? What Excites You About This Role?

This classic interview question gives candidates the chance to demonstrate their knowledge about your company, the role, and how they envision themselves contributing. Their answer will reveal whether they’ve done their homework and how passionate they are about the position.

Why It’s Essential:

  • It shows you if the candidate has taken the time to research your company and its culture. A candidate who is genuinely excited about the role is likely to be more engaged and invested in their work.
  • This question helps assess cultural fit by determining if the candidate’s values and goals align with the company’s mission and work environment.
  • It can also uncover whether the candidate has a clear understanding of the role and its challenges, or if they’re merely applying indiscriminately.

💡 Follow-up Tip: To dive deeper, ask the candidate how they think they can contribute to the company’s success. This will help you understand if they’ve thought critically about their potential role within your organization.


How to Use These Questions Effectively

Asking these essential questions is only the first step. To get the most value from an interview, hiring managers should:

  • Take Notes: Document key points from each response to compare candidates later.
  • Listen Actively: Give candidates the space to answer thoroughly, and listen for not only the content but also the tone and enthusiasm behind their answers.
  • Ask Follow-Up Questions: Sometimes the best insights come from digging a little deeper after the initial answer. Follow-up questions allow candidates to clarify their thinking and provide more context.

By focusing on these essential questions, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s abilities, motivations, and fit for your team.


Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Interviews

  • Over-reliance on Cliché Questions: Asking generic questions like “What’s your biggest weakness?” can lead to rehearsed, uninformative answers. Aim for questions that require thoughtful reflection.
  • Not Allowing Enough Time: Make sure to allocate sufficient time for each interview to avoid rushing through the questions, which can lead to missing key details.
  • Lack of Preparation: Just as you expect candidates to prepare for the interview, hiring managers should thoroughly review resumes, job descriptions, and interview notes to maximize the effectiveness of the session.


Want to ensure you optimize your interview process to hire the best candidate?

Interviewer Toolkit

Ready to elevate your interview skills? Download our free, comprehensive Interviewer Toolkit—a resource packed with expert strategies, targeted sample questions, and a step-by-step evaluation process. Designed to help both seasoned hiring managers and those new to recruitment, this guide offers actionable insights to streamline your hiring process and identify top talent with confidence. Download for FREE today.

Conclusion: Top interview questions to ask

Conducting a great interview isn’t just about finding someone who looks good on paper—it’s about asking the right questions to uncover how candidates think, problem-solve, and fit within your organization. By incorporating these five essential questions into your interview process, you’ll be better equipped to identify candidates who can not only perform the job but also contribute to the long-term success of your business.

Don’t let the interview process become a box-ticking exercise. Take the time to prepare, engage with candidates thoughtfully, and focus on meaningful, open-ended questions that reveal deeper insights. If you need more guidance on structuring your interviews, check out our Interviewer Toolkit for additional tools and resources designed to make your recruitment process more efficient and effective.


Picture of Luca Planert

Luca Planert

Recruiting Lead DACH

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