The modern recruiting agency for your business

Hire Top Talent in Engineering, Business & Tech

Start hiring today | Pay Only for Results

CareerBee Trustpilot

Happy clients

Lack of quality candidates

Struggling to find top candidates for your jobs?

Lack of quality candidates

76% of companies struggle to fill critical roles, averaging 42 days.

We help you reduce your hiring time significantly!

Streamline Your Hiring Process with CareerBee

Fill Your Positions 5x Faster

📌 Digital strategies & active sourcing
📌 Professional candidate profiling
📌 Social recruiting for top talent

Success-Based Hiring

✔ Pay only when you hire
✔ No risk, guaranteed results

True Hiring expertise

🎯 Innovative, proven approach
🎯 Fast & efficient hiring process

3 Weeks to the Perfect Hire – Klüber Lubrication’s Success Story

Our hybrid search across 10,200 profiles and targeted campaigns led to hiring their top-choice candidate, now recognized as a high-potential employee. Hired within 3 weeks.

Ricardo Almeida
Ricardo Almeida
Manager, Klüber Lubrication North America
The speed and flexibility of CareerBee was remarkable. And of course, the profiles that were shared were exactly what we were looking for.

Trusted Expertise

Our Core Strengths


✓ Software Engineer 

✓ Data Engineer 

✓ DevOps Engineer 

✓ Cybersecurity Engineer 


✓ Mechanical Engineer 

✓ Electrical Engineer

✓ Civil Engineer

✓ Manufacturing Engineer


✓ Sales Manager 

✓ Marketing Manager 

✓ Finance Manager 

✓ Operations Manager 

Hear from our clients

Alexandre Delattre
Alexandre Delattre
Managing Director, Nintendo European Research and Development
I appreciated the reactivity of the CareerBee team. Also their care about human qualities and ability to listen and adapt to our needs.
Dominic Osswald
Dominic Osswald
Managing Director, Lovato Electric GmbH
In a nutshell: working with CareerBee is uncomplicated and easy. They helped me hire sales managers for various regions.
Ricardo Almeida
Ricardo Almeida
Manager, Klüber Lubrication North America
The speed and flexibility of CareerBee was remarkable. And of course, the profiles that were shared were exactly what we were looking for.

Looking to hire? Get in touch and we will help you fill your open position

Submit the form, and we’ll reach out to you shortly.

If you’re a talent in engineering, tech, or business and looking for your next job opportunity, feel free to register here.

Looking forward to talking with you!

Head of Business Development at CareerBee

Alysa Frias