How these 3 internationals landed their dream job in Germany

Let’s be honest: Searching for a job in a foreign country is difficult. Especially if you don’t speak the local language perfectly fluent yet, you only have limited options. And let’s not talk about topics like Visa or Working Permits that make things even more difficult.

This is exactly why in this article we want to share 3 success stories of internationals we worked with who overcame the odds and landed their dream job in Germany.

How these 3 internationals landed their dream job in Germany

These stories show that everything you set your mind to is possible!

1. How Khush leveled up with a new logistics job at Biontech

With a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from bbw Hochschule Berlin and first job experience as Operations Manager at e-commerce fulfillment company byrd, Khush already had build a great profile before he approached us. Being a very motivated and dedicated person, he wanted to take the next step in his logistics career.

Khush was looking at different options all throughout Germany, when he finally found the perfect opportunity for himself: The biotech company BioNtech was looking for a new Transportation Associate at their headquarters in Mainz. One online job application and a few emails later, Khush was invited to an interview by BioNtech HR.

This is when he reached out to us to help him prepare for it. Together, we looked at the most typical interview questions in Germany and how to answer them. We also discussed cultural differences in interviewing and what will be expected of him.

And he mastered it perfectly! At the end of the interviewing process, Khush indeed got the offer, with a very good salary and compensation package on top of it. 🚀

Khush about his experience with CareerBee:

“I approached CareerBee because I wanted help to find the right direction in my career.  Laura helped me with my interview preparation and building up the skills to negotiate my salary. In the end, I got the job with satisfactory salary package!”

2. How Tamy found a job as Account Manager at ResearchGate

Originally from Brazil, Tamy has been living and working in Germany for quiet a while when she found herself looking for new opportunities in Account Management.

After getting only rejections in a tough job market for account managers due to the pandemic in 2020, Tamy decided to book a coaching with us to get feedback on her application documents. Together, we identified several areas of improvement how to better position herself and tell potential employer about her strengths. We also discussed cultural differences in interviews between Germany and South America.

Not long after, Tamy indeed found a new job at the social network for scientists and researchers ResearchGate, where she is working as a Account Manager. She is also currently doing an MBA to further sharpen her skills.

Tamy about her experience with CareerBee:

“I had a career coach session a while ago and it was extremely helpful to tailor my CV and find directions on my job search. Understanding the job market and how to promote yourself were valuable lessons. Totally recommend!”

3. How Nidhi landed an internship at his dream company SAP

Currently being enrolled in Management studies at SRH Heidelberg, Nidhi always knew he wanted to start his career in Germany with a student opportunity at one of Germanys top companies. Living in the Rhein-Neckar area, tech company SAP with its Headquarter in Walldorf was a natural target of his. But how to get a job there and beat out all the competition?

That’s exactly why Nidhi approached us. Together, we identified the right opportunities for his profile. We also worked on creating a German-style CV that shows his strengths as well as how to write the Cover Letter to stand out from other applicants.

And voilá: A few weeks later, a great opportunity for an internship at SAP came along and Nidhi used his chance, applied with his new documents, and was able to convince in the interviews!

Nidhi about his experience with CareerBee:

“I approached Careerbee because I was looking for an internship and I needed assistance with understanding the job market here in Germany, and also to fix up my resume and cover letter. As a result, I landed an internship in SAP where I always wanted to work, in the exact position I was looking for. Bulls eye!”

Summary: How to land your dream job in Germany

So what can we take away from these 3 stories of other international that landed their dream job in Germany?

First, never give up. Even if you get rejected from some jobs, try to see this is as part of the process. As you can clearly see from these examples, it is definitely possible to land your dream job in Germany as an international.

Second, reach out for help if you need it. Especially as an international, you don’t know the local job-market and the unwritten rules of finding a job in Germany. That’s why we at CareerBee are dedicating our business to helping internationals succeed in the job-market. We can help you with our online Job Search Master Class, where we will show you everything you need to succeed with your German career. Will we soon be working together to reach your career goals in Germany?

Picture of Laura Villafuerte

Laura Villafuerte

HR expert & Career Coach

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