How to Create an Exceptional Candidate Experience to Attract Top Talents

How to Create an Exceptional Candidate Experience to Attract Top Talents

As many Western economies in this day and age, Germany is facing a lack of skilled workers, and companies are seeing themselves under high pressure to attract talents to fill open positions. That is why creating a memorable and positive candidate experience has become a paramount goal for organizations of all sizes. In this blog post, you’ll find out how to create a great candidate experierence.

How to attract talent to small cities

How to attract talent in small cities

How can you attract top talent, even if your company isn’t located in a top German city like Berlin, Frankfurt or Munich? In this blog post, we’re going to explore what you can do to be an attractive employer even in a smaller city!

Understanding German Language Requirements for Jobs in Germany

Understanding German Language Requirements for Jobs in Germany

Ever thought about which industries and jobs in Germany ask for what level of German skills? In this blog post, we will discuss German language prerequisites for diverse job roles, delve into the varying proficiency levels demanded by different industries, and equip you with invaluable resources to enhance your language skills. 

10 Reasons Why You Should Offer More Remote Work to Your Employees

10 Reasons Why You Should Offer More Remote Work to Your Employees

Remote work has become a widespread reality for many industries worldwide. However, in Germany, the adoption of remote work has been relatively slower compared to some other countries. We will use this blog post to explore the reasons why we believe you need to embrace remote working when possible and the benefits it can offer for everyone involved.

Future-Proof Skills: How to Prepare for Tomorrow’s Job Market

Future-Proof Skills How to Prepare for Tomorrow's Job Market

The job market is constantly evolving. Driven by advancements in technology, changes in industries, and shifting global dynamics the job landscape of the future will look different from what we know it to be today. In this blog post, we will explore the most important skills candidates should possess to stay competitive in the future and build successful careers in the long-run.

Your Career Page: How to design it (with examples)

Your Career Page How to design it (with examples)

Today more than ever, your company’s career page plays a vital role in attracting top talents. In this blog post we will walk you through what’s important and also share some examples of career pages that you can use as reference when designing yours.

Wie Sie Top Talente für Ihr Unternehmen gewinnen

How to hire top talent for your company

Die EU und insbesondere Deutschland sind derzeit mit einem Arbeitskräftemangel konfrontiert, der die Unternehmen in verschiedenen Sektoren vor große Herausforderungen stellt. Laut einer aktuellen Studie sind derzeit allein in Deutschland 2 Millionen Stellen unbesetzt. Ob in der IT, im Ingenieurwesen, im Handwerk oder in der Sozialarbeit, Unternehmen haben es schwer, ihre offenen Stellen zu besetzen. […]

Job Interviews richtig führen (mit Tipps von Recruitern)

How to Conduct a Job Interview (with tips from recruiters)

Interviews zu führen ist ein wichtiger Aspekt der Arbeit von Führungskräften und Personalverantwortlichen. Wenn Sie für Ihr Unternehmen die besten Bewerber auswählen wollen, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie gute Interviewfragen stellen und so die Bewerber miteinander vergleichen können. Doch in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels geht es nicht mehr nur um die Auswahl von Bewerbern. Aufgrund des […]