How to Find the Best Salespeople: Tips and Tricks

Recruiting top salespeople is crucial for any company. Good salespeople significantly contribute to business success by generating revenue and building long-term customer relationships. But how do you find the best salespeople?

In this blog post, we share proven strategies and tips from our comprehensive guide, which you can download for free to gain even more insights. The following topics will be covered:

  • Writing compelling job descriptions
  • Choosing the right job portals
  • Actively using social media platforms
  • Leveraging employee referrals
  • Attending industry events & conferences
  • Collaborating with recruitment agencies
  • Continuous talent pooling


1️⃣ Writing Compelling Job Descriptions

A well-written job description is the first impression potential candidates get of your company. Especially in sales, where communication and persuasion are crucial, a creative and appealing job description can make all the difference.

Tips for compelling job descriptions:

✔️ Use storytelling: Describe tasks from the employee’s perspective. This helps candidates imagine what it would be like to work for your company and increases their curiosity.

✔️ Salary transparency: Share the salary and additional payments transparently in your job description. According to a study, 71% of applicants want to know the salary before applying.

✔️ Genuine insights into company culture: Give applicants a glimpse into your company culture. Short quotes from employees can help convey the atmosphere in your company authentically.


2️⃣ Choosing the Right Job Portals

Selecting the right job portals is crucial to placing your job ad in front of the most qualified salespeople. Each portal has its target audience and specialization.

Tips for choosing the right job portals:

✔️ Utilize niche job boards: Instead of relying solely on major job boards like StepStone, consider specialized niche job boards focused on sales positions or specific industries. An example is our CareerBee Job Portal, which specializes in international talents.

✔️ Exclusive networks: Use exclusive networks and platforms that attract highly qualified professionals. Examples of such platforms are AngelList or The Ladders.

✔️ Alumni networks and university portals: Collaborate with universities and use their alumni networks and career sites. This is particularly useful when looking for young talents.


3️⃣ Actively Using Social Media Platforms

Social media has become a valuable tool in modern recruitment. By actively using platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, X, and Instagram, companies can reach a broad audience.

Tips for using social media:

✔️ Targeted social media advertising: Use targeted social media ads to present your job postings to the right people.

✔️ Share authentic insights: Show authentic and unfiltered insights into the daily work life of your company. Post photos and videos of team events, meetings, and daily activities.

✔️ Collaborate with influencers: Leverage industry-relevant influencers to position your open jobs or present your company. We have written another blog post on this topic.


4️⃣ Leveraging Employee Referrals

Employee referrals are one of the most effective methods to find qualified and suitable candidates for your team. Employees who already work for your company understand the company culture and the position requirements.

Tips for successful employee referrals:

✔️ Attractive incentives: Make your referral program attractive by offering appealing incentives such as financial rewards or additional vacation days.

✔️ Share success stories: Share success stories of employees who joined the company through referrals. This can inspire and encourage other employees to make referrals.

✔️ Referral contests: Regularly hold contests where employees with the most successful referrals receive rewards.


5️⃣ Attending Industry Events & Conferences

Industry events and conferences are excellent opportunities to discover new salespeople and expand your network. These events attract professionals from the industry who are often open to new career opportunities.

Tips for attending industry events:

✔️ Active participation as a speaker or moderator: Use the opportunity to appear as a speaker or moderator at industry events to demonstrate your expertise and attract participants’ interest.

✔️ Organize networking events: Host your networking events or informal meetings to interact with potential candidates in a relaxed atmosphere.

✔️ Social media and live coverage: Use social media to document and share your participation in the event. Posts and videos can amplify your presence.


6️⃣ Collaborating with Recruitment Agencies

Collaborating with recruitment agencies can help you quickly and efficiently find qualified sales talents. These agencies have extensive networks and specialized knowledge of the job market.

Tips for working with recruitment agencies:

✔️ Choose specialized agencies: Select agencies that specialize in recruiting sales positions or your specific industry.

✔️ Clear communication and regular updates: Ensure your requirements are communicated and hold regular updates with the agency.

✔️ Success-based compensation models: Consider using success-based compensation models where the agency only receives a fee upon successful placement.


7️⃣ Continuous Talent Pooling

Continuous talent pooling means building and maintaining a pipeline of potential candidates even when there are no current open positions. This proactive recruitment strategy allows you to respond to staffing needs quickly.

Tips for continuous talent pooling:

✔️ Regular contact: Maintain regular contact with potential candidates in your talent pool through informative newsletters or invitations to company events.

✔️ Build talent communities: Create online communities where members of your talent pool can interact with each other and with your company.

✔️ Targeted content marketing: Create targeted content specifically tailored to the interests and needs of your talent pool members.


Conclusion: Finding the Best Salespeople

Finding the best sales talents requires a strategic approach and various methods. From compelling job descriptions to active social media use to continuous talent pooling, there are many ways to find the right talents for your team.

For more detailed strategies and tips, download our free comprehensive guide “Effective Strategies for Recruiting Sales Talent”. It contains even more valuable insights and practical advice to help you attract the best sales professionals for your company.

Hier Klicken to download the guide for free.

Sales Guide


Picture of Luca Planert

Luca Planert

Recruiting Lead DACH

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