Welcome to the CareerBee Hub

The #1 career portal for talents in business, tech, and engineering

Trustpilot Score
CareerBee Learning Hub to find a job in Germany

Learning Hub

Looking for tips to find your dream job?

Access our collection of FREE material & templates.

CareerBee communities to help you land a job in Germany

Our Communities

Tired of finding a job all by yourself?

Join our communities for people just like you and stay updated.

Career Events

Want to learn from HR Professionals?

Access our FREE career events to learn and ask your questions.

Masterclass to create better application documents for Germany

Premium Services

Looking for a guided approach to find a job?

Our masterclasses contain all you need to boost your job search.

free Support service

Learning Hub

Unlock Your Career Potential with Our CareerBee Learning Hub!

🔍  5 focus points: CV, Cover Letter, LinkedIn, Job Search Strategy, and Job Interviews.

💼 Curated content tailored to your learning style.

🤝 Access professional career services for personalized guidance.

Learning Hub CareerBee with free material to help you find a job in Germany

Our Communities

We use various platforms so you can choose the one you prefer.
Or become part of various communities at once. Just click and join.

TikTok Community for jobseekers in Germany

TikTok Community

Here we share important updates of the job market and show interesting  jobs to apply for.

LinkedIn Community for jobseekers in Germany

LinkedIn Community

Here we share tips and tricks for your job search and our job picks of the week.

Insta Community for jobseekers in Germany

Instagram Community

This is our most interactive community. We also keep you up to date with our latest offers & tips. 

Looking for a job?

Check out our #1 job board for international talents in engineering, business and tech

Premium Recruiting and Career Services

Career Events

Join our CV transformation workshop!

Gain all insights you need to land more job interviews in Germany and get the chance to get feedback on your current CV. Don’t miss out 🚀

CV Transformation Workshop

Want to stay updated on our next CV Transformation Workshop and be the first to access early bird discounts? Sign up here to get notified!

Premium Career Services

Boost your job search with expert-led Masterclasses – or upgrade with a personalized CV review.

What our CareerBees say
about our premium services

The service exceeded my expectations, and I would highly recommend CareerBee to anyone looking to refine their CV and improve their job prospects.
After using CareerBee services, I started getting more job opportunities and after a round of multiple interviews, I got a job at UBS!
They deserve more than 5 stars, for their personal treatment with the client, which makes me feel more attended for and supported in my job search.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is all in English so we ensure we can help as many international talents as possible. However, your recruiting experts speak English, German and Spanish for any questions you have.

Of course! We actually encourage you to start asap (as soon as you have the idea to come to Germany). This will make your life so much easier and give you the guidance you need.

You can pay via credit card by following the link in “Enroll Now”. However, if you prefer to pay via Paypal, or bank transfer, make sure to follow this link.

Please keep in mind that if you pay via Paypal or Bank transfer we will need to add you manually to our masterclass and the process can take up to 24 hours. However, the wait will be worth it 😉 

If you need some financial help because you are currently in a difficult situation, feel free to send us a quick message and we will make sure to find a way.

We offer CV and LinkedIn reviews and coaching sessions upon request.

Make sure to check our Learning Hub where you will find every service we offer based on the type of support you are looking for.

In case you still can’t find what you are looking for, feel free to send us an email to [email protected] with your questions. We are happy to help.

If you need some financial help because you are currently in a difficult situation, feel free to send us a quick message ([email protected]) and we will make sure to find a way to help you.